Enviromysteries: Inside Stories

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In Your Home

Family Fun

Maggie’s Story: Dealing with Lead

Ways to Keep Lead in Your Home from Affecting Your Family

  • Before you rent, contact your state department of the environment or department of health and human services to make sure the apartment or house is certified lead-safe.
  • If you rent, notify your landlord of peeling or chipping paint.
  • Clean up dust and paint chips immediately.
  • Clean floors, window frames, windowsills, and other surfaces weekly. Use a mop or sponge with warm water and a general all-purpose cleaner or a cleaner made specifically for lead. REMEMBER: NEVER MIX AMMONIA AND BLEACH PRODUCTS TOGETHER SINCE THEY CAN FORM A DANGEROUS GAS.
  • Thoroughly rinse sponges and mop heads after cleaning dirty or dusty areas.
  • Wash children’s hands often, especially before they eat and before nap time and bed time.
  • Keep play areas clean. Wash bottles, pacifiers, toys, and stuffed animals regularly.
  • Keep children from contact with windowsills or other painted surfaces.
  • Clean or remove shoes before entering your home to avoid tracking in lead from soil.
  • Make sure children eat nutritious, low-fat meals high in iron and calcium, such as spinach and dairy products. Children with good diets absorb less lead.

Excerpted from Protect Your Family from Lead in Your Home, from the Environmental Protection Agency