Enviromysteries: Inside Stories

In This Section


Standards Chart

Lesson Plans

Teacher Tips


Inside Stories Resources

Select a story to look at its supporting resources available.

Maggie’s Story
Environmental Health Question: Lead exposure and lead abatement

Frankie’s Story
Environmental Health Question: Food-borne illnesses

Amie’s Story
Environmental Health Question: Tanning and skin cancer

Thomas’s Story
Environmental Health Question: Exercise-induced asthma

Other Great General Sites for Teaching about Environmental Health Questions

  • Tox Town
    Sponsored by the National Library of Medicine, this site tackles a number of environmental health problems by creating several interactive environments for students to explore. Strong teacher support materials are offered as well.
  • KidsHealth in the Classroom
    KidsHealth in the Classroom offers free health curriculum materials for all grades and subject areas, including asthma, skin cancer, and food safety.
  • Grades 5 – 8 Education Materials from NIEHS
    The National institute of Environmental Health Sciences has collected a wide variety of classroom materials developed through their grants. These include web resources, CDs, and story books. Most have extensive teacher support materials. Their Resources can help you uncover the breadth of their offerings for all age groups.
  • Thinkport Resources
    Search here to find an extensive collection of lesson plans, PowerPoint presentations, videos and other materials related to environmental health.
  • Idaho State Lesson Plans on Environmental Health
    These lesson plans are aligned with Idaho School Standards, but can be useful for any teacher hoping to explore environmental health with their students.